8 January 2020

Indian Navy AA Branches & Trade Allotment

Indian Navy AA Branches & Trade Allotment - Details of Sailor Courses & Which Trade is Batter ?
Indian Navy AA Branches & Trade Allotment
Short Information - The Indian Navy Artificer Apprentice (AA) is a Technical entry for the sailors in Indian Navy. During basic training at Ins Chilka they are allotted their trades and is given at different naval institute on the basis of their selected trades. We have published number of posts related to Join Indian Navy and Indian Armed Forces topics. In this article we will focusing just on Details of AA Sailors Course and its Joining Process. So Interested candidates can read full article for further information.

Indian Navy Artificer Apprentice (AA) Branches & Trade Allotment

Artificer Apprentice - AA In this Post including Mainly Four Trades and Branches firs one is Engineering Branch, Second Electrical Branch, Third Shipwright Trade and Last one is Aviation are allotted to Indian Navy AA Sailors.

1. Engineering Branch - Artificer Apprentice Course 
  • Aim - Induct sailors into Artificer Apprentice (Engine Room branch) Cadre, Carry out repairs and maintenance of machine tools and etc
  • Course Requirement - Initial training and minimum two months sea Training.
  • Duration - 130 Weeks.
  • Venue - INS Shivaji, Loanavala
  • Remark - Sailors, on completion of Apprentice Training, will be awarded Certificate equivalent to Diploma in Mechanical Engineeringby INS Shivaji.

2. Engineering Branch - Direct Entry Engineering Mechanic
  • Aim -Induct sailors as Engineering Mechanic in Engineering Branch, Gain basic knowledge of Steam / ICE / Diesel Engines.
  • Course Requirement - Initial training and minimum two months sea Training.
  • Duration - 25 Weeks.
  • Venue - INS Shivaji, Loanavala

3. Engineering Branch - Electric Mechanic
  • Aim - Gain basic knowledge (Radio / Power) Equipment, Carry out routine maintenance of Electrical Equipment fitted onboard ships.
  • Course Requirement - Initial training and minimum two months sea Training.
  • Duration - 26 Weeks.
  • Venue - INS Valsura Jamnagar
 Also Read : Join Indian Navy after 12th Pass Officers & Sailors Post

4. Shipwright Branch - Artificer Apprentice Course
  • Aim - Bring up the professional skills to a level for promotion to Shipwright Artificer V Class, Upkeep and maintain all water pipes and valves and etc
  • Course Requirement - Initial training and minimum two months sea Training.
  • Duration - 117 Weeks.
  • Venue -Naval Shipwright School, Visakhapatnam
  • Remark - Sailors, on completion of Apprentice training, will be awarded Certificate equivalent to Diploma in Naval Architecture

5. Aviation Branch (Electrical & Mechanical Engineering )
  • Aim - Professional advancement in Aeronautical cadre Sailors, Assist Supervisor on servicing of relevant aircraft systems and equipment. 
  • Requirements - Maximum field experience & 10+2 Physics and Maths Compulsory 
  • Duration - 24 Weeks 
  • Venue - Naval Institute of Aeronautical Technology (NIAT) Kochi


7. Meteorology Course
  • Aim - To inculcate leadership quality and make the sailor capable of supervising the Met Offices.
  • Requirements - Initial training and minimum One Year sea Experience.
  • Duration - 17Weeks 
  • Venue - School of Naval Oceanography and Meteorology, Kochi.

Also Read : Indian Navy SSR Branches & Trade Allotment

For More Information related to Indian Navy Indian Navy AA Branches & Trade Allotment Please Visit Indian Navy Official website and Read all Important Information for Officers & Sailors Entry.

If you have any query or doubts regarding to this article of Indian Navy AA Branches & Trade Allotment, Leave your comments in the comment box below and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

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